We’ll start our statistics reporting this year with the total number of students participating from each country:
Country | Accepted Students | Country | Accepted Students | Country | Accepted Students |
Albania | 1 | Greece | 10 | Romania | 31 |
Algeria | 1 | Guatemala | 1 | Russian Federation | 52 |
Argentina | 3 | Hong Kong | 2 | Serbia | 2 |
Armenia | 3 | Hungary | 7 | Singapore | 7 |
Australia | 6 | India | 454 | Slovak Republic | 3 |
Austria | 19 | Ireland | 3 | Slovenia | 4 |
Belarus | 5 | Israel | 2 | South Africa | 2 |
Belgium | 5 | Italy | 23 | South Korea | 6 |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | 1 | Japan | 12 | Spain | 33 |
Brazil | 21 | Kazakhstan | 2 | Sri Lanka | 54 |
Bulgaria | 2 | Kenya | 3 | Sweden | 5 |
Cambodia | 1 | Latvia | 3 | Switzerland | 2 |
Cameroon | 1 | Lithuania | 1 | Taiwan | 7 |
Canada | 23 | Luxembourg | 1 | Thailand | 1 |
China | 34 | Macedonia | 1 | Turkey | 12 |
Croatia | 2 | Mexico | 2 | Ukraine | 13 |
Czech Republic | 6 | Netherlands | 9 | United Kingdom | 18 |
Denmark | 2 | New Zealand | 2 | United States | 118 |
Egypt | 10 | Pakistan | 4 | Uruguay | 1 |
Estonia | 1 | Paraguay | 1 | Venezuela | 1 |
Finland | 3 | Philippines | 2 | Vietnam | 4 |
France | 19 | Poland | 28 | ||
Germany | 66 | Portugal | 7 |
We’d like to welcome a new country to the GSoC family. 2016 brings us one student from Albania!
In our upcoming statistics posts, we will delve deeper into the numbers by looking at universities with the most accepted students, gender numbers, mentor countries and more. If you have additional statistics that you would like us to share, please leave a comment below and we will consider including them in an upcoming post.
By Mary Radomile, Open Source Programs